Nate Birdine
Nate Birdine
Nate Birdine has years of experience leading diversity programs and loves showing people what their true potential could be if nurtured in the right cultural setting. Nate has been involved in youth programming for over a decade and has worked in multiple positions that engaged in diversity and inclusion. He received his undergraduate degree in leadership and has been inspired by the work of inclusion and diversity to focus on diversity initiatives. Nate is also a product of one of the diversity pipeline projects that Thriving Culture helped create, the Emerging Leaders Development Program and uses the training that he has received in racial and gender identity through a lens of cultural intelligence and trauma to dissect cultural norms, racial conversations, and cultural bias.
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
― Nelson Mandela