Dr. Gabe Veas is a Mexican-American son of Los Angeles who, in 2017, was named the first Professor of Mentorship in the United States. Veas has pioneered academic research which has helped a global audience understand the power of protégé-initiated mentorship and the significance of exploring one's Mentoring Lineage via genograms. Having taught at twelve institutions of higher learning, including Loyola Marymount University, Veas is a highly sought-after public scholar and author, addressing the societal ills of the day through the mentoring lens at venues such as Princeton and Yale. Veas has a demonstrated track record of advocacy, modeling, and coaching others on effectively implementing DEI practices to facilitate belonging and empower community transformation within the corporate space. Over the past two decades, Veas, alongside his team of protégés, have provided leaders and organizations the opportunity to receive coaching and capacity development, helping institutions live into their missions. As a consultant who is also a mental health professional with an active caseload, Veas is both sensitive and passionate about supporting clients who experience exclusion as a result of class migration, racism, religious abuse, sexual/gender discrimination, ambiguous loss, and imposter syndrome. Veas is a leading scholar in the area of online curriculum development, which is trauma-informed and promotes dynamic competency-based learning experiences while also assisting individuals to better understand their identities, experiences, discernment process, and ethical values.
“In closing, when you hear my voice, if you listen carefully, you hear the voices of an eclectic collective of protégés from around the world who I have been investing in and who have been shaping me as well.” ― Veas' Excerpt from Provoking Greatness (October 26, 2018)
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
― Nelson Mandela